Happy Tails: Oscar and Felix

MRFRS family, you did it!
June 2, 2021
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June 16, 2021

Oscar and Felix were adopted together from MRFRS nearly 5 years ago. They weren’t siblings but had an undeniable bond and became best of friends. Unfortunately, their person ended up going into an assisted living facility and they found themselves back at the shelter. We found them another home together this April and they continue to be the best of friends:

I thought you might like to see some of the photos of Oscar and Felix as they have been settling in. They both absolutely love the high up window sills, and their accessible basket of toys (they nearly empty it every night!) Felix has taken a special liking to the cat tunnel that you’ll see in the photos, and has decided it’s both his favorite nap and play spot. Oscar is coming out of his shell more and more every day, he will happily play with us or follow us around the house and is finally starting to jump up on the bed with us. They are both very loved and doing great!

Do you have a “happy tail” you want to tell us? We’d love to hear it! Email adoptioncounselor@mrfrs.org OR share your love story with the Petco Foundation for a chance to earn up to $100,000 for MRFRS!