Happy Tails – Charlie

Charlie’s New Home wants everyone to know that senior cats make really great pets!

Charlie was 10 years old when he was surrendered with two other kitties after their owner passed away.

We all know it’s heartbreaking when a senior cat has their comfortable world upended and has to adjust to life in a shelter. Staff and volunteers always give them plenty of hugs (or space, depending), but it’s usually a stressful experience even for the most well-adjusted kitty. But this big grey boy got lucky when his future caretakers fell in love. We received the following update from his forever home shortly after he was adopted:

“He is such a sweetheart! Loves people, likes to be petted, and has curled up on my lap a few times! He’s pretty playful considering he is ten and definitely likes catnip! Last week he had his booster shot & his nails trimmed; they loved him at our vet hospital. We’re so happy to have him!

This picture is from this morning when Charlie was helping me when I was working. The other day he helped me with my puzzle. You can just imagine how helpful he was.”

We are overjoyed for Charlie and grateful this sweet gentleman found a family for the rest of his days.