Teaching the Nation About Feline Leukemia

MRFRS’s Shelter Director, Brit Fox Hover, presented to an international audience at the Feline Leukemia Day online conference.

Adoption programs for feline leukemia positive (FeLV+) cats were once a rarity with many laws and policies across the country requiring cats who tested positive for the virus to be euthanized despite the fact they were symptom-free. While the disease can shorten a cat’s lifespan, it’s not communicable to humans and FeLV+ kitties can spend many happy, healthy years with a loving family.

With this positive momentum, many cat caretakers are seeking to learn more about feline leukemia, find out what they can do to help FeLV+ cats, and get the information they need to start adoption programs like MRFRS’s or to improve their existing FeLV services. Attendees came from across the US and as far away as Spain and Japan for the virtual Feline Leukemia Day educational conference on July 18, 2020, to do just that and MRFRS is honored to report Brit Fox Hover, our shelter director, was included amongst the day’s speakers.

Her presentation gave in-depth information about how MRFRS’s FeLV+ program was created and run including details about the adoption center’s FeLV room, foster homes, testing and sanitation protocol, and how to effectively communicate with potential adopters to help educate them about their new furry family members needs.

Brit also spoke about MRFRS’s Care for Life program that assists people who adopt FeLV+ kitties with related medical care as it arrises. This unique program was especially interesting to conference participants with many participants asking thoughtful questions and feeling inspired to start similar programs for their organizations to encourage the adoption of these special cats and support the families that take them in.

MRFRS is extremely proud to have been represented at this conference and impressed as always by the depth of knowledge and dedication of our staff to all cats regardless of their health status.

If you’d like more information about joining our FeLeuk Fan Club or are interested in adopting a FeLV+ kitty of your own, please visit our website or call 978-462-0760 to talk to our friendly adoption counselors.