Additional information
If your need to surrender is immediate and we are not available to assist, please click here to find other shelters in your area that might be able to assist you. If you would like to learn more information about trying to re-home your cat on your own, please visit:
Surrender may not be your only option.
We understand that giving up a cat can be a very difficult decision for you and the stress associated with a new environment can be tough on a cat. We do our best to work with cat caretakers who would like to keep their cat but are experiencing stresses or circumstances that make having them in their home seem impossible. There may be a solution or program available to help you and your kitty. Explore many of the options below.
You may also choose to rehome your cat yourself.
Adopt-a-Pet.com, the largest non-profit pet adoption website, has created a simple, free program to help you place your pet from your loving home directly to another. You'll create a profile for your pet, review applications, meet adopters, and then finalize the adoption all on your own. This may be a less stressful option for your pet.You can click the banner to the left or click here to visit their site and learn more.