Sponsor an Event

Fur Ball Gala and Auction

The Fur Ball Gala and Auction is held every fall and is our signature fundraiser event to benefit the thousands of cats and kittens helped by our organization.

At the Fur Ball, MRFRS shares the impact made possible because of our generous sponsors and there is significant recognition of your commitment to the community and to MRFRS.

Depending upon the level of sponsorship you select, your company will be featured in pre-event emails, social media, and event signage, as well as on MRFRS' website and event page.

Strut for Strays

Our second major event is our annual Strut for Strays - a fun event for all ages with a walk and celebration to raise funds and create awareness for the impact MRFRS has in the communities we serve. When you become a sponsor for this event, you stand together with MRFRS as we continue to change lives with our programs and services.

Sponsorship benefits (depending on your giving level) include your logo on the event website, in pre-event emails to Strutters and our general audience in our e-newsletter, social media, the back of the Strutter t-shirt and day of signage.

Interested in learning more about sponsoring an MRFRS event?

Please contact admin@mrfrs.org.

Place an MRFRS Donation Can in Your Business

Want to join the wonderful companies helping us make a difference by hosting a can?

Please contact Kelly Unsworth, our Administrative Coordinator, at kelly@mrfrs.org

If you own a retail-type business, consider having an MRFRS donation can at your checkout counter. The Donation Can Program plays an important part in MRFRS' fundraising goals to help cats in need - as we say, collecting small change makes a big difference!

The Program is turn-key for our business partners - MRFRS has a team of wonderful volunteers who regularly visit each participating business to manage the cans and replace full ones. 

Plus, as part of the Program, MRFRS keeps our loyal supporters informed about the "paw-some" business partners who support our mission!

Volunteer Opportunities for Your Employees

As a local business, you recognize that supporting nonprofits not only benefits the community, but also provides opportunities for your staff to engage in volunteer activities.

Whether its making fleece blankets for all of our adopted kitties, running a food/supply donation drive, or helping out at one of our signature fundraising events, we have plenty of ways for your team to help support ours. We can even collaborate to create a unique volunteer opportunity to meet your company's community responsibility goals.

Ready to talk about volunteer opportunities for your staff?

Please contact us at voladmin@mrfrs.org