If your cat is missing, don’t panic! Start by taking these steps!


Talk to All Your Neighbors

Ask them if YOU can look in their sheds and yards (don't rely on them to do it for you) and then do it! Check everywhere! If you're searching at night, use a good strong flashlight so you can see a cat's eyes shine.

Set a Humane Trap

If your cat is very timid, or is normally an indoor-only cat, or is missing in any area he/she is not familiar with, SET A TRAP! We can't stress this step enough! Often shy cats might be just a few feet away from you, but because they are terrified, they won't come to you. It's nothing personal -- they are in survival mode! Click here to read VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION for more on how different types of cats behave when they are lost.


Make Posters & Flyers

Once you've conducted thorough indoor and outdoor searches, make BIG, BRIGHT lost cat posters to hang and flyers to hand out in your neighborhood. Click here for poster making guidelines and tips.

Get the Word Out on Social Media

Post your pet's photo -- along with the STREET, TOWN, and DATE he/she went missing from/on on your own Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page -- be sure to set the post to "Public" and end with "Please share!" Be sure to also post in any of your town's or neighborhood's Facebook groups & Nextdoor to spread the word locally - your cat has likely not traveled far! Also share your Facebook post with lost pet Facebook pages in your area/state (search to find them).


Call Your Microchip Company

If your cat is microchipped, report him or her missing to the microchip company right away so they can send out lost pet alert emails.

Inform Your Animal Control Officer

Alert your local animal control officer (often accessed through the local police department business line) and local vets offices. Don't forget to give them posters.


Place Ads

Place a lost pet ad on Craig's List and in the local paper -- they are often free.

Report your missing cat to MRFRS's shelter by filling out the form below.

This information is distributed to MRFRS staff so we can notify you if your cat turns up at our shelter.

Lost Cat

Visit these websites for more information about missing pets.

Massachusetts Animal Coalition Lost Pet Resources

Charles River Alleycats First Steps to Find Your Cat

Home Again
If you adopted your cat from MRFRS or visited an MRFRS microchipping clinic, report your microchipped pet as lost here. There are other microchip companies. If you're not sure what brand of microchip your cat has, please call the clinic or organization where you had the microchip inserted.

Add a free listing and search the lost and found database by city, state or postal code to see if you can find a match.
Facebook Page for Newburyport Area Lost & Found Pets

Mission Reunite (Formerly Missing Pet Partnership)
Great advice on why a trap is great for lost cats -- and why cats don't "run away".

Summit Missing Animal Response Team
Pet recovery information and tracking dog services.(Please note we do not endorse any service but list this information for your convenience.)

Advice and information from a professional cat finder. (Please not we do not endorse any service but list this information for your convenience.)