We are very excited to announce that MRFRS’s theme for 2022 is “Be a CATalyst” and we’re asking everyone (humans and felines!) to raise their paws and join our cause!
A catalyst (according to Webster’s Dictionary) is “a person or event that causes change or action.” Since the early days of the organization’s founding, MRFRS has been a leading CATalyst for changing cats’ lives for the better. We have assisted over 135,000 cats since our inception; either through finding loving homes, reducing overpopulation through spay/neuter clinics and the Catmobile, or helping families find affordable veterinary care through our FARS program.
We could never have accomplished all this without the hard work of our amazing volunteers, our staff and the generosity of our supporters who believe in our mission to improve the lives of cats. As we enter our 30th year of operation next year (where does the time go?!), we know there is still more work to be done to help our feline friends. No cat naps for us!
Throughout next year, we will be sharing many opportunities for each of you to become an MRFRS CATalyst and my hope is that you will feel as inspired as we do to raise your paws and be part of our future success!
On behalf of everyone at MRFRS, thank you for your continued support for all the kitties, happy holidays and our very best wishes for a joyful 2022!
Gail A. Lynch, President, MRFRS Board of Directors