MRFRS Leadership Donors
Leadership Donors are an exceptional group of committed donors who support the programs and services MRFRS provides because they want to be part of the life-changing impact we have in the feline community.
MRFRS’ programs reduce the suffering caused by feline overpopulation, find loving homes for cats and kittens, alleviate the heartbreak for families facing financial hardships by subsidizing veterinary care for their cat(s), and provide access to low-cost vaccination and microchipping. It’s the deep generosity of MRFRS Leadership Donors that ensures our ability to grow and continue to reach even more cats and the people who care about them.
MRFRS Leadership Donors are made up of meow-mentum makers who demonstrate a true commitment to creating our vision for a world where all cats live happy and healthy lives.

As a contributor to MRFRS’ most impactful giving program, Leadership Donors receive:

MRFRS is proud to recognize those Leadership Donors who have made a yearly commitment of $2,500 or more.
- Barbara St. Onge
- Bebe Wunderlich
- Cheryl Richardson and Michael Gerrish
- Daphine Neville
- Darcy Ellis
- Dorothy Fairweather
- Dr. Steven & Lisa Finkel
- Gail & Michael Lynch
- Institution for Savings
- Jeanne Schmeichel and Paul Strauch
- Jeff & Margaret Hall
- Jennifer and Christopher Benoit
- Joe Bell and Paul Goldberg
- John and Jacqueline Thomson
- Julian Richards
- Karen and Erik Glass
- Law Office of Cynthia Sullivan
- Leslie Gold
- Martha Farnsworth
- Maureen and Michael Peters
- Nancy Alexander
- Nancy Roach
- Petco Love
- Richard Sullivan
- Shirley Magnanti and Joan Morrison
- Stacy LeBaron
- Susan Krawiec
- The C.E. & F.C.A. Foisy Foundation
- Toni and Robert Kenyon
- Ann-Marie Innocenti
- Bebe Wunderlich
- Campbell Steward
- Carol Wentworth
- Cheryl Richardson and Michael Gerrish
- Crystal Carvotta-Brown and Dan Brown
- Daphine Neville
- Darcy Ellis
- Dianne Grose
- Donna Barach
- Dorothy Fairweather
- Doyle General Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts
- Dr. Steven and Lisa Finkel
- Elizabeth Pearson
- Ellie and Peter Coffin
- Estate of Rebecca Cintron
- Gail and Mike Lynch
- Institution for Savings
- Jeff and Margaret Hall
- Jennifer and Christopher Benoit
- Joe Bell and Paul Goldberg
- John and Jacqueline Thomson
- Kamie Ngamsathaponchai and Jeff Connor
- Karen and Erik Glass
- Kathy Phillips
- Linda Rogers and Ed Ribitzki
- Martha Farnsworth
- Massachusetts Animal Coalition
- Nancy Alexander
- Nancy Altman
- Nancy Roach
- Norman Weeks
- Peter Hickey
- Red Acre Foundation
- Richard Sullivan
- Robert and Toni Kenyon
- Shirley Magnanti and Joan Morrison
- Stacy LeBaron
- Susan Bradley-Quaranta
- Susan Krawiec
- The C.E. & F.C.A Foisy Foundation
Interested in learning more? Please contact our Executive Director, Karen Glass at