As you do your estate planning, please consider remembering MRFRS in your will.
Your gift will leave behind a wonderful legacy and ensure that MRFRS can continue our life-saving programs. It’s easy to set up, and is a wonderful way to leave behind a legacy of caring – a legacy which will allow us to help cats in need for many years to come.Now, more than ever, planned giving is essential to the financial health of the MRFRS, and we hope that we can count on your help.
Already have a Will or Trust?
If you already have a Will or Trust and would like to include Merrimack River Feline Rescue, you do not have to rewrite your current documents. You may simply make an amendment. Here is some suggested bequest language you can have your tax advisor review:I give and bequeath to the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society (Tax ID # 04-3172322),
located in Salisbury, Massachusetts, the sum of __________________________ dollars ($ _______)
_____________________percent (_______ %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate
the following described property:_____________________________________________
located in Salisbury, Massachusetts, the sum of __________________________ dollars ($ _______)
_____________________percent (_______ %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate
the following described property:_____________________________________________
Your bequest is entirely under your control during your life and becomes irrevocable only at death. To learn more about this program, contact our Board President at president@mrfrs.org.
In Memoriam Donations

When making arrangements, please include the following note in the obituary:
“In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations in [name]’s memory be made to the Merrimack River Feline Rescue, Society, 63 Elm Street, Salisbury, MA 01952.”
- For your information, donations can be made online at mrfrs.org and designated there as memorial donations. There is a place in the online form where the deceased person’s name can be added. Donations can also be mailed in, with a notation made in the check memo field. Should you wish to include mailing or website address, they are:
63 Elm Street, Salisbury MA 01952 - When we receive a memorial donation, we will send a thank you and tax receipt to the donor promptly, and note that the donation was made in memory of the deceased.
- If you wish to receive information about donations made, please contact kelly@mrfrs.org.
- If we have contact information for a family member, a few weeks after the services, we will print a report of the donations made and send it to you with names and addresses so that you can send additional thank you notes if you wish to do so. We are glad to provide this report sooner if you wish; all you need to do is contact us.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Kelly Unsworth, Administrative Coordinator, at kelly@mrfrs.org or call our office at 978-462-0760.