Ask a Vet with Dr. Sam: My cat has a habit of missing the litter box. How can I help her?

My cat has a habit of missing the litter box. About 8 months ago, we switched to a covered litter box, which has cut down on the problem, but still, there is some urine that ends up in the crack between the top and the bottom parts. What’s going on here? How can I help her? She’s had no medical issues.

Litter box issues can be frustrating and confusing, especially if it’s a near miss! The first thing a cat owner should do if their cat is eliminating outside the litter box is to consult your veterinarian to rule out any health or behavioral issues that may be causing or contributing to the problem. It sounds like you’ve done that!

There are many guidelines you can follow to make your cat’s litter box as appealing as possible. Be sure it’s large enough. Litter boxes should be about 1 ½ times the length of your cat’s body and about 3 times as wide as the cat. Most cats prefer large boxes with no lid that they can enter easily with a shallow bed of litter (1-2 inches). Under-bed storage bins actually make great litter boxes!

You can also try offering a second litter box with a different type of litter and see which your cat prefers. Most cats prefer clumping, unscented litter. Ideally, you should have one litter box for each cat in your household plus one extra. Location matters too! Cats like their litter boxes located in a quiet location where they don’t feel cornered.

All of us, including cats, appreciate a clean restroom so be sure to scoop your cat’s litter at least once a day and rinse the box completely with baking soda or unscented soap once a week. Be sure to clean any accidents thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaning product to neutralize odors.

Litter box issues are never fun, but the good news is that many cats’ elimination issues are solvable and improve with veterinary care, a larger box, good litter box hygiene, and their favorite type of litter. For more information, check out this resource from the ASPCA.

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