A Virtual Success!

Hearts And Homes Open In A Time Of Crisis
June 1, 2020
Remembering Honorary Board Member, Pat Connelly
June 26, 2020
Hearts And Homes Open In A Time Of Crisis
June 1, 2020
Remembering Honorary Board Member, Pat Connelly
June 26, 2020

Together and Apart We Strutted for Strays and Raised Funds and Awareness for Feline Rescue

We can’t pretend that we weren’t sad when it dawned on us that we would not be able to gather together for our 25th annual Strut for Strays, but we are so proud that 71 strutters took steps in their own neighborhoods to help cats and kittens in need.

Walkers signed up from CA, WA, UT, IL, MI, GA, FL, NY, VT, NH, ME, and right here in MA. Hundreds of miles were walked and were made special by wearing cat ears, fun cat t-shirts and, of course, taking lots of selfies to share online during the week-long event.

We’d like to recognize a few walkers who’s extra effort pushed them into the top ten online fundraisers for the event.

While we celebrate those who “raised the most” – the rest of us raised $14,508. This event would not be successful without the participation of every single Strut for Strays walker who dedicated their time and energy to raising funds to improve the lives of cats and kittens in need.

Together, participants raised $27,831 which is just shy of our $30,000 goal. Want to help the kitties reach their goal? You can still donate to the Strut.