A Simple Way to Help Cats: Window Screen Safety

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By: Karen Glass

As the weather turns warmer, it’s only natural to want to open your home’s windows to let in some cool air. However, the temperature isn’t the only thing that rises this time of year – the number of cats who fall from windows or escape through screens is also high. 

If you have a cat, you know that cats and screens are not always a good mix. Cats can climb screens, eventually causing the screen to tear or creating large holes. Other types of screens, such as spring-type, can simply be pushed at the bottom edge, letting a cat slip out underneath. What’s worse is once the screen springs back into place, you may not even realize until much later that your cat has escaped!

Given the risk of potential serious injuries to your cat or having them go missing forever, it’s important to do all you can to protect your cat with these window screen safety tips. 

  • Install well-fitted and secure window screens – never leave a window open without a screen!
  • If your windows allow, open them from the top rather than the bottom so your cat can’t easily get to the opening.
  • Put double stick tape on the windowsill to deter your cat from jumping up on the windowsill. You can also use the tape on the screens themselves to discourage kitty’s claws. 
  • Replace or double up your window screen with heavy mesh or specialty pet screens.
  • Be sure to reinforce existing screens from the outside with duct tape, screws, or nails so your cat can’t push right through and escape.

While some of these solutions will not win a home décor award, they will keep your cat safe indoors and that’s what’s most important. If you try one of the solutions and it doesn’t work, keep trying different ones until you find the option that works best for you and your cat. And as always, be sure to microchip and register your cat so if they do escape, there is a better chance they will be reunited with you.