So far, the weather has been mostly cool and comfortable but summer heat is on the way. It’s important that your cat is able to stay hydrated when it’s hot. Here are a few suggestions that will help ensure your kitty isn’t thirsty.
Canned food is almost 60% water and most cats love the taste. Want to bring out the flavor for a picky eater? Heat it up in the microwave. (Make sure it’s not too hot though.)
Most cats find moving water is irresistible. You can purchase a pet fountain that will keep water moving wherever you get pet supplies, or you can leave a faucet dripping now and then from which your cat to sip.
Water is water, right? Nope! Cats notice the smell, taste, and temperature of their water. Dirty bowls or stale water can really turn your cat’s tummy so make sure that both are freshened daily. Tap water might be fine for most cats but finicky kitties might not find it’s taste or temperature appealing. You can try filtered, bottled or distilled water, or try refrigerating tap water or add a few ice cubes.
Some cats will drink more if you introduce a drop or two of tuna juice (the water that’s in canned tuna) to a bowl of water. You can also make popsicles your kitty will love to lick by making ice cubes from chicken or beef broth mixed with water. Make sure to provide plain, fresh water along with these flavorful alternatives too.
Most households put their cat’s water dish next to their food dish. Try adding a second bowl or water elsewhere in the house to satisfy their need to hunt and forage. They’ll be delighted when they discover a new water source.
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